职 称:住院医师 职 务: 院 区:仁济北院 科 室:生殖医学科 医疗专长:男性不育,男性性功能障碍,男性生殖泌尿系统疾病 门诊时间:周二、周四全天;周五下午(北院) 教育经历 上海交通大学 博士 学术职务 上海市生殖健康产业协会性医学专业委员会青年委员 论文著作 论文著作: 1.Ma Y, Yang HZ, Zou HB, Zhou Y, Kong XM, Huang YR. Biphasic regulation of autophagy by miR-96 in prostate cancer cells under hypoxia. Oncotarget. 2014; 5(19): 9169-9182. (SCI IF: 6.6) 2.Ma Y, Yang HZ, Xu LM, Huang YR, Dai HL, Kang XN. Testosterone regulates the autophagic clearance of androgen binding protein in rat Sertoli cells. Scientific Reports. 2015; 5: 8894. (SCI IF: 5.5) 3.Yang HZ, Ma Y (共同第一), Zhou Y, Xu LM, Chen XJ, Ding WB, Zou HB. Autophagy contributes to the enrichment and survival of colorectal cancer stem cells under oxaliplatin treatment. Cancer letters. 2015. 361(1):128-36 (SCI IF: 5.6) 4.Ma Y, Chen B, Wang H, Hu K, Huang Y. Prediction of sperm retrieval in men with non-obstructive azoospermia using artificial neural networks: leptin is a good assistant diagnostic marker. Human Reproduction. 2011; 26(2): 294-298. (SCI IF: 4.7) 5.Ma Y (通讯作者), Kong X, Dai H, Wang L, Zhu L. Attitudes towards biosample donation in andrology patients. International Journal of Andrology. 2012;35(2): 170-175. (SCI IF: 3.6) 6.Ma Y, Kang XN, Ding WB, Yang HZ, Wang Y, Zhang J, Huang YR, Dai HL. Renal tissue thawed for 30 minutes is still suitable for gene expression analysis. PLoS One. 2014;9(3):e93175. (SCI IF: 3.6) 7.Ma Y, Dai H, Wang L, Zhu L, Zou H, Kong X. Consent for use of clinical leftover biosample: a survey among Chinese patients and the general public. Plos One. 2012; 7(4): e36050. (SCI IF: 3.6) 8.Ma Y (通讯作者), Dai H, Kong X. Impact of warm ischemia on gene expression analysis in surgically removed biosamples. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012; 423:229-235. (SCI IF: 3.2) 9.Ma Y, Dai H, Kong X, Wang L. Impact of thawing on reference gene expression stability in renal cell carcinoma samples. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology. 2012; 21(3): 157-163. (SCI IF: 2.3) 10.Yang Y, Ma Y, Yang H, Jin Y, Hu K, Wang HX, Wang YX, Huang YR, Chen B. Effect of acute tadalafil on sperm motility and acrosome reaction: in vitro and in vivo studies. Andrologia. 2014; 46(4):417-22. (SCI IF: 1.7) 11.Zhou Y, Sun K, Ma Y, Yang H, Zhang Y, Kong X, Wei L. Autophagy inhibits chemotherapy induced apoptosis through downregulating Bad and Bim in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Sci Rep. 2014; 4:5382. (SCI IF: 5.1) 12.Yang Y, Hu JL, Ma Y, Wang HX, Chen Z, Xia JG, Wang YX, Huang YR, Chen B. Oral tadalafil administration plus low dose vasodilator injection: a novel approach to erection induction for penile color duplex ultrasound. Journal of Urology. 2011; 186(1):228-232. (SCI IF: 3.7) 13.Yang Y, Hu JL, Ma Y, Wang HX, Chen Z, Xia JG, Wang YX, Huang YR, Chen B. Pharmaco-induced erections for penile color-duplex ultrasound: oral PDE5 inhibitors or intracavernosal injection? International Journal of Impotence Research. 2012; 24(5):191-195. (SCI IF: 1.5) 14.马逸,陈斌. 5型磷酸二酯酶抑制剂对勃起功能障碍大鼠阴茎白膜病变的治疗作用. 中华医学杂志. 2009; 89(4): 276-279. 15.马逸,陈斌. 前列腺癌高特异性生化标志物的研究现状. 中华泌尿外科杂志. 2009; 30(6): 429-431. 16.马逸,陈斌,王鸿祥. Y染色体无精子症因子缺失与男性不育的关系. 上海交通大学学报. 2008; 28(3):239-242. 17.马逸,陈斌. 现阶段PSA在诊疗前列腺癌中的作用. 中国卫生检验杂志. 2008; 18 (4):766-768. 课题研究1. 2015-2017 睾丸间质细胞自噬在精索静脉曲张导致的性腺功能低下中的作用及机制研究。国家自然科技基金(青年)。25万。负责人。 2. 2012-2015肾癌组织肿瘤标记物在热缺血环境下的变化特点。上海市科学技术委员会科研引导项目。10万。负责人。 3. 2015-2017低氧环境下miR-96在前列腺癌细胞自噬调控中的作用和机制研究。仁济医院种子基金。8万。负责人。 4. 2013-2014 体外肿瘤组织核酸稳定性差异的研究。上海交通大学医学院科技基金项目。5万。负责人。