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执业经历: 职 称:副主任医师   职 务:临床医师   院 区:浦东仁济   科 室:内分泌科   医疗专长: 医疗专长:2006年获澳大利亚政府奖学金于澳大利亚阿德雷德大学医学院攻读医学博士学位,2010年毕业回国,现于上海交通大学仁济医院内分泌科工作。   门诊时间:每周四下午   教育经历   毕业于澳大利亚阿德雷德大学医学院   学术职务   上海内分泌学会青年委员   论文著作   1)Disordered control of intestinal sweet taste receptor expression and glucose absorption in type 2 diabetes.Young RL, Chia B, Isaacs NJ, Ma J, Khoo J, Wu T, Horowitz M, Rayner CK.Diabetes. 2013 Oct;62(10):3532-41.   2)A randomised trial of enteric-coated nutrient pellets to stimulate gastrointestinal peptide release and lower glycaemia in type 2 diabetes. Ma J, Checklin HL, Wishart JM, Stevens JE, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Meyer JH, Rayner CK.Diabetologia. 2013 Jun;56(6):1236-42.   3)Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) promotes MIN6 cells insulin secretion via inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase. Yue J, Wang L, Huang R, Li S, Ma J, Teng X, Liu W. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Nov 1;440(4):756-61.   4)Effects of variations in duodenal glucose load on glycaemic, insulin, and incretin responses in type 2 diabetes. Ma J, Pilichiewicz AN, Feinle-Bisset C, Wishart JM, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Rayner CK. Diabet Med. 2012 May;29(5):604-8.   5)Comment on: Chen et al. Utilizing the second-meal effect in type 2 diabetes: practical use of a soya-yogurt snack. Diabetes Care 2010;33:2552-2554. Rayner CK, Ma J, Jones KL, Horowitz M. Diabetes Care. 2011 May;34(5):e55; author reply e56. doi: 10.2337/dc11-0195. Erratum in: Diabetes Care. 2011 Aug;34(8):1887.   6)Effect of the artificial sweetener, sucralose, on small intestinal glucose absorption in healthy human subjects. Ma J, Chang J, Checklin HL, Young RL, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Rayner CK. Br J Nutr. 2010 Sep;104(6):803-6. doi: 10.1017/S0007114510001327. Epub 2010 Apr 27.   7)Effects of cefaclor on gastric emptying and cholecystokinin release in healthy humans. Ma J, Bellon M, Wishart JM, Young RL, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Rayner CK. Regul Pept. 2010 Jan 8;159(1-3):156-9.   8)Insulin secretion in healthy subjects and patients with Type 2 diabetes--role of the gastrointestinal tract. Ma J, Rayner CK, Jones KL, Horowitz M. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Aug;23(4):413-24. Review.   9)Effects of a protein preload on gastric emptying, glycemia, and gut hormones after a carbohydrate meal in diet-controlled type 2 diabetes. Ma J, Stevens JE, Cukier K, Maddox AF, Wishart JM, Jones KL, Clifton PM, Horowitz M, Rayner CK. Diabetes Care. 2009 Sep;32(9):1600-2.   10)Diabetic gastroparesis: diagnosis and management. Ma J, Rayner CK, Jones KL,Horowitz M. Drugs. 2009 May 29;69(8):971-86. Review.   11)Effect of the artificial sweetener, sucralose, on gastric emptying and incretin hormone release in healthy subjects. Ma J, Bellon M, Wishart JM, Young R, Blackshaw LA, Jones KL, Horowitz M, Rayner CK. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009 Apr;296(4):G735-9. 详细介绍

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