首页 > 浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院 > 妇二科 周坚红




1988年8月毕业于原浙江医科大学医学系,一直在本院从事妇产科临床、教学和科研工作。全面掌握妇产科的理论与手术技能,尤其在普通妇科、微创手术、反复流产的诊治、更年期激素替代及女性泌尿妇科等方面均有较深的研究。2006年6月获浙江大学医学博士学位。曾多次赴美国及澳大利亚进修和学术访问。先后发表论文数十篇,其中SCI论文10篇及国家一级期刊数篇;主持及参与国家及省部级课题数项,并参与多部妇产科专著编写。多次获得院级先进工作者称号。 主要社会兼职:第十二届民革省委委员,民革文化卫生委员会委员 学术兼职:中华预防医学会更年期保健学组委员 主攻学科: 妇科内分泌、盆底手术及微创手术 近年发表的主要学术论文: 1、Zhou Jianhong,et al. Influence of growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor Ⅰaxis on normal pregnancy. Chin Med J, 2001,114(9):988-990 2、俞颖,金杭美,周坚红等.子宫肌壁间妊娠二例报道及文献复习. 中华妇产科杂志, 2002,37(7). 3、俞颖,周坚红,金杭美等. 腹膜播散性平滑肌瘤病诊治.中华妇产科杂志, 2003,38(4). 4、江静逸,周坚红,金杭美.孕酮在宫外孕中的研究进展.国外医学(妇幼保健分册),2003,14(2). 5、Jin Hangmei,Zhou Jianhong,Yu Ying,et al. Intramural Pregnancy: a report of 2 cases. J Reprod Med, 2004,49(7)569-572. 6、周坚红,谢幸.HPV感染后的宫颈局部免疫.中华妇产科杂志,2004,39(7):497-499. 7、周坚红,谢幸.治疗性HPV多肽疫苗的研究进展. 国外医学妇产科分册,2005,32(2):68-71. 8、周坚红,陈怀增,程淇,谢幸.HPV16E7多肽疫苗对人免疫重建荷人宫颈癌细胞株SiHa细胞SCID鼠免疫功能的影响.现代妇产科进展,2005,14(5):353-357. 9、Zhou JH, Ye F, Chen HZ, Zhou CY, Lu WG, Xie X. Altered expression of cellular membrane molecules of HLA-DR, HLA-G and CD99 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasias and invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Life Sci, 2006, 78(22):2643-9. 10、Zhou JH, Chen HZ, Ye F, Lu WG, Xie X. Fas-mediated pathway and apoptosis in normal cervix, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical squamous cancer. Oncol Rep, 2006,16(2):307-11. 11、Liu AX, Zhou JH, Jin HM, Zhu CK, Cheng XD. Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of urethra in a 5-year-old girl: case report and literature review. Urology, 2007,69(6):1208.e17-9. 12、Zhou Jianhong,et al.Long-term outcomes of trans-vestibular vaginoplasty with pelvic peritoneum in 182 patients with MRKH syndrome. Fertil Steril, 2010,94(6):2281-5. 13、Bai-hui Zhao, Jian-hong Zhoua,*(通讯作者).Altered expression of elastin, fibulin-5 and lysyl oxidase-like 1 in the uterosacral ligaments in postmenopausal women with pelvic organ prolapse. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2012 . 14、Zan-Hua Zhou 1, Qing Weng 2, Jian-Hong Zhou 3*, Jue Zhou 4*(共同通讯作者).Extracts of salvia miltiorrhiza bunge on the cytokines of rat endometriosis models. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med.2012, 9(3):303‐14. 15、ZH Zhou,Q Weng, J Zhou*, JH Zhou*(共同通讯作者).Anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activities of the extracts of SARGENTODOXA CUNEATA and its effects on the model rats with pelvic inflammation.J animal and plant sciences,2012,22:44-50. 16、Ting Feng1, Jian-hong Zhou1(共同第一作者) , Jia Liu , Feng Ye, Weiguo Lu , Xing Xie. Altered expression levels of HLA class Ⅱ and costimulatory molecules on circulating monocytes from patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) and squamous cervical cancer. MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 2012 , 6: 1301-1304. [主攻学科] 妇产科 [研究方向] 更年期激素替代、女性泌尿妇科、反复流产的诊治、妇科炎症性疾病等





北京崇文中方中医医院 · 妇科



石家庄市第三医院 · 妇科



内蒙古医科大学附属人民医院 · 妇科

